I wasn’t ready to go home after my visit to Eloise Butler, so I drove the parkways and headed over to Lake Harriet to see the
rose gardens and the Peace Garden. I don’t remember ever having seen the perennial/annual gardens there, but they’ve been there since 1963, so either I was very focused on the roses on previous visits and skipped the perennials altogether, or visited at a time the gardens didn’t impress me.

This year, however, the perennials and annuals impressed me much more than the roses did. I didn’t see anything in these gardens that I added to my wish list, though. Sadly, almost all of the roses were infested with Japanese beetles. Eeew. One of the things I love about roses is the names. I saw Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen), Betty White, Ole, and Lena! Some of the roses were fragrant, but they weren’t that pretty to look at because of the beetles. So sad. Only one of the fountains was working and I did take advantage of the splashes to cool myself off.
The highlight of this visit was the Peace Garden, where I made my first ever peace crane! The sculpture “The Spirit of Peace” provides origami paper and instructions on bronze plates for creating the cranes. I saw people of all ages and heard several languages as we all walked around the sculpture and folded our cranes. I didn’t remember to take photos while I was there, but another blogger visited earlier this year and did take
photos. I would make this visit again in a heartbeat.
Sunday morning with the kids finally packed into the car my neighbor poked her head over the fence and said hi. She was working on removing the beetles from her amazing Lord Baffin climber. So of course the entire time we were at the Como 4th Parade (shaking hands with Entenza and a few other low life politicos) I worried about the damage being done to my roses.
When I returned home I found ~20, some mating (yuck), which were promptly scooped into a jar I had on our counter filled with red cooking vinegar (think fruit fly trap here). The beetles squirmed around drunkenly and then finally stopped. Three more checks on the roses added a few more to the collection. I would be checking right now if I wasn't writing this.
I love the Harriette gardens no matter what state they are in. Amazing to have that space in the city.
Looks like a great day to have off ;-)
Hey, Auntie K! Want to see pictures of my modest garden? It's my flowers and K's vegetable setup. http://cleerysalley.blogspot.com/
@Donell. Wow! "Modest" is not the word I'd use to describe these gardens. You two have certainly done a LOT of work to prepare and maintain the flowers and veggies there. I'd love to come for a visit. (And, your photos are fabulous.)
@Fooberries. Some of the beetles at Lake Harriet were mating, too. So far, Auntie K's Garden is unscathed. But, I did see a beetle on a neighbor's shrub, so, I am being vigilant about checking--especially the roses. I agree with you about the lovely space in the city. The humidity (and unexpected downpours) have prevented me from doing as much gardening as I'd hoped this week. But, I heard it's going to get better after today!
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