Up to now, I’ve posted about flowers. But, the raspberries are starting to form, and I can’t wait until I get to taste the first tart berry of the season. Plus, it’s raining this morning, so, it seems like the perfect time to post about raspberries.
What does rain have to do with raspberries?! Pa Jondahl said that in addition to a sunny location, raspberries need water – lots of water. “Give ‘em lots of water, and just when you think you’ve given them enough, give ‘em a little more,” he’d advise.
I planted my raspberries last summer – extras from Betsy’s garden. Most of them made it, but only a few will bear fruit this year. But, I’m a patient gardener and know that in a few years, I will have more raspberries than I can eat in a season, which means JAM! Yay!

So, the raspberries are appreciating the rain this morning – even if we aren’t. I’ll keep you posted on the raspberry patch in Auntie K’s Garden. It’s going to be an exciting year!
1 comment:
love the berries, if you need more,let me know, they are growing crazy here, and soon may take over the whole garden...i'll fight them off
my blueberries however!
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