After my shift at the Hort Society Plant Show yesterday, a friend and I toured some of the Fair. It had been almost 20 years since she’d been there and she was eager to see a couple of buildings – Ag/Hort, which she toured while I was working and Creative Activities (formerly called the Women’s Building). It’s the building where people (not just women anymore) display their creations. We saw garments, quilts, knitted creations, woven creations, mosaic creations, and wood-carved creations. We ogled the baked creations (cookies, cakes, pies, breads, muffins, you name it) and the “canned” goodies (jams, jellies, pickles, peaches, and salsa).

I had forgotten that people entered stamp collections and post-card collections until we rounded a corner and saw several of them on various themes. So, when I got home, I went through my own stamp collection and pulled out a few of my favorite gardening stamps!

These four represent the Minnesota State Fair – two stamps about Minnesota itself (statehood and territory centennial) and two on the kids who exhibit at the Fair – 4H-ers and the FFA kids.

Here’s a set of stamps about conservation – soil, water, forest, energy, wildlife and wetlands.

These include botany and forestry.

These are just flowers. I don’t know that I’d ever enter them at the Fair, but it was fun to look through them and see how many stamps are about gardening, botany, horticulture, and flowers. (I didn’t even touch the international stamps for today’s post, but there are some beautiful floral stamps in those collections, too.)
I hope you enjoy seeing them, too.
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