This means that I don’t always make as much progress in the garden as I plan to. And, that’s okay with me. I enjoy talking with people about the gardens and hearing about how they enjoy what I’m doing. But, it makes some visitors cranky! “Why haven’t you gotten to this section, yet?” they’ll ask. Or, they’ll point out that a pot has been sitting there for a few days and ask when I plan to get around to planting it. Or, they’ll point out the weeds in a particular garden. “You aren’t really going to dig up ANOTHER patch of grass, are you?!” exclaimed one visitor a week or so ago. His eyes almost came out of his head when I told him that was exactly my plan.
Days like that – where there are more critical comments than appreciative ones – make me wish I had a walled or secret garden, rather than the “fishbowl” gardens I do have. But, those days are few, thank goodness. And, when I come home from a walk and find someone taking a photo of one of the gardens, I think I wouldn’t trade my fishbowl garden for anything.
Don't know whether to laugh or cry at this post! People amaze me. I used to live on a corner where everyone stopped to admire the garden and after awhile I realized they felt like it was their garden too. Funny how gardens have that effect. Yet I never had anyone admonish me for not getting to the weeds fast enough!
Enjoyed your post!
Marguerite; You're exactly right! People DO feel like it's their garden, too! And, "admonish" is a good word. I did feel rather punished after his comment.
Amy; Thank you!
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